Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So just in case you have not heard, David and I are now employed. David is back at Petsmart (his all time dream job since he works with punk high-schoolers) and it is going well. He works in the specialty department, which is fish and all that jazz. I wont be surprised if by the end of the month he will have taken over the company. There are some perks to this job. A lady came in yesterday trying to get rid of her large salt water aquarium, although Petsmart does not take them, David does. Also we get 8 free weeks of dog training, which is nice becauseso far Timber has taken off about 4 times and almost been ran over by multiple cars, a snowplow, and almost beaten by David who has had to run after here in the blistering rain. The only reason we keep her around is becasue shes got a cute face.

I just started my job at Kids World. It is a day care for 4 months to 12 years. I am the head teacher for the school age class. I have my on huge room that I get to decorate and a bunch of kids to boss around. When the kids are at school (which is 6 of my 8 hours) I help in all the other classes. Its weird that I keep taking jobs that involve children since I don't really care for kids. Gods got a crazy sense of humor...

1 comment:

NikkiW said...

You are right, God does have a crazy sense of humor. And I am especially jealous of Dave's PetSmart job because, as far as my kids are concerned, that's one of the coolest jobs in the world! I am glad that you both are employed now (isn't it great how exciting those paychecks can be?) and I will pray that you will continue to enjoy your time together on this fun adventure. Oh, and I will also pray that Timber doesn't get killed by Dave or by anyone else anytime soon.
Love, cousin Nicole