Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First time for everything

It was so nice out this evening that David and I took a little walk down to the market. Somewhere in that process I think a wasp got stuck in my hair or got trapped in my house because when we got home this thing flew at me, I swatted it away but instead of leaving it stung me in the ear. Many swear words came to mind but I kept it PG, and after I yelled my hero David killed it. And even though (according to David) it doesn't look that bad let me say it hurt pretty bad, defiantly worse than a bee sting.
Unaffected ear Stung ear
And if David can write a post on some penny he found, I can do one about getting attacked by a vicious insect.

1 comment:

hjw said...

Ouch! I hate that its bee season. They're everywhere!