Thursday, February 19, 2009

Children of the corn

That is how I like to refer to the children I watch all day. But for some strange reason my boss now thinks its best for me to work with toddlers from 8am- 3 pm and then with school age kids for the rest of the day. You would think thats not that big of a deal since it is my job, but i'm not too terribly excited about it. With in the first week of working there I decided I would work in any class but Tod 1, and now I have the joy of being in there the majority of the day. Maybe I should ask for a raise, I mean I have been there for a month. Is it still to soon?

Any who, one of the perks of working with young children is I get to make awesome crafts, but since I am no longer under the age of 10 I can't give it to my parents so my wonderful husband (and Timber) get all of the wonderful things I make.

This is us getting ready for our family picture. I made all 3 of us foam visors with our names on them.

It seems I am the only one who likes/appreciates all my hard work and creativity.

And last but not least for those of you who voted on our pole , I am crazy and what better way to show it than making matching braclets for me and Timber.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap...Dave, I'm so sorry. Looks like you need a solid dose of machine gun fire, chainsaws and ribs...or for Rachel and Timber to go on an extended vacation...